> Can you help me with my java proble?

Can you help me with my java proble?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You are passing reverse [0] (which equals 'A' which is 65 in ASCII) to the function, and then you are using it as an index, but there is no 65th element of the array.

im trying to do this

Write a recursive method that has as arguments an array of characters and two bounds on

array indexes. The method should reverse the order of those entries in the array whose

indexes are between the two bounds (inclusive). For example, suppose the array is:

a[0] = ‘A’ a[1] = ‘B’ a[2] = ‘C’

a[3] = ‘D’ a[4] = ‘E’

and the bounds are 1 and 4. Then, after the method is run the array elements should be:

a[0] = ‘A’ a[1] = ‘E’ a[2] = ‘D’

a[3] = ‘C’ a[4] = ‘B’

this is what i currently have

public class recursion2


public static int reverse(int [] a,int n, int r)


if(n < a[r])


r = a[n];

return reverse(a,n - 1,r);


return r;


public static void main(String [] args)


int[] reverse = {'A','B','C','D','E'};

int reverse2 = reverse(reverse,reverse.length-1,reverse[0]);

System.out.println("order is: "+ reverse2);



im currently getting errors on it