> Could someone look over my code and explain the errors I am getting?

Could someone look over my code and explain the errors I am getting?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I haven't tried coding in C++ in legit years but I'll see what I can do.

Perhaps put brackets around 'validSize - 1' so that it becomes '(validSize - 1)', sometimes compilers struggle to recognise all of it as one value without brackets.

Secondly, and I know this is true for Java, not so sure about C++, but I'll try anyway: your return statements probably aren't valid because your method is defined as a void.

Replace the word 'void' with 'int' everywhere you've used it, see if that helps.

Here is my code:


using namespace std;

void recursive(int validChange[], int validSize, int amount);

int main()


int amount1 = 0;

int change[5] = { 1, 5, 10, 15, 25 };

cout << "Enter an amount of change\n ";

cin >> amount1;

cout << recursive(change, 5, amount1) << " ";


return 0;


void recursive(int validChange[], int validSize, int amount)


if (amount == 0)


return 1;


if (amount < 0)


return 0;




return recursive(validChange, validSize - 1, amount) + recursive(validChange, validSize, amount - validChange[validSize - 1]);



I am having errors with return recursive(validChange, validSize - 1, amount) and the return 0; return 1; portions. Also am having errors in trying to cout the numbers. Thanks!