> Question about Java programming - getters and setters, classes?

Question about Java programming - getters and setters, classes?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
This is the assignment I'm given, and I know how to do things like define variables, write a constructor, do calculations, etc, but I'm confused on the wording and what he's asking...I feel like I have no idea where to begin. Any help?

There are approximately 1 billion cars in the world. If we would just replace one 4 mile trip per week for a year, we would save 10 billion gallons of gas, which is around 39.9 billion dollars a year if gas were around $3.99 per gallon.

For this problem, I would like you to design and implement a class called BikeCommute. In this class, you will define a number of private attributes including the route, distance traveled, time required, and the date of travel. Define the BikeCommute constructor to accept and initialize all instance data. Include getter and setter methods for all instance data. Create a method that calculates how much gas saved based on the distance traveled. Use the calculations above to estimate how much is saved per mile.

Include a toString method that returns a one-line description of the BikeCommute trip including the mode of transportation, the date traveled, the route taken, the distance traveled, the time spent traveling, and the number gallons saved. All numerical values should be formatted nicely showing 2 places after the decimal. Create a driver class called AlternativeTrip, whose main method instantiates and displays at least 3 BikeCommute objects. You should reuse the object pointer.