> Could you value this website with your experience as a freelance web designer?

Could you value this website with your experience as a freelance web designer?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I was looking at the code. I would not pay 1 cent, for the website you are showing if I was a client. If I made the website you are showing, and I asked how much I should sell it, I would be ashamed to ask this question.

You said "we have got alot better at designing and coding since".

What you should do is show your best work, and not a piece of work that is worthless.

basicly this website was made for free but if this was a client how much would you charge as me and my freind are new to the buisness and would like a ruff idea on pricing i know this isnt the best website and we have got alot better at designing and coding since.
