> Visual basic saving textbox text to txt file with separated lines?

Visual basic saving textbox text to txt file with separated lines?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 

you can use the predefined carriage-return character vbCrLf to move onto the next line, but if you're just coping and pasting, its not going to know what the enter button is, denoting the moving to the next line.

edit: a quick google search showed that vbCrLf and vbnewline do exactly the same thing. For textbox, you can only enter 1 line at a time unless you separate it with the newline word

I'm making program in Visual Basic that allows me to enter a log for anything. The only problem I have is that if I have a wall of text, it saves it all to one line in the text file. The only thing I can think of is to use vbNewLine after a certain amount of characters, but being new to VB, I am not sure of how to go about doing this.

Here's the relevant code (shortened):

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("location.txt", vbNewLine + Title.Text + vbnewline + WallOfText.Text, True)

Thanks in advance