> Create wizard in Mac?

Create wizard in Mac?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You can make wizards on Macs and PCs. If you have Microsoft Office for Mac the process is different in each application. Word, Excel and PowerPoint each have the ability to make wizards. You can also make wizards using Userforms in Visual Basic for Applications in Office for Mac.

You can also make wizards using AppleScript. Wizards made using AppleScript can work in any Mac application.

I want to create a wizard for work. For example, I want to create different questions with a drop down or multiple choice responses. Once the questions are all answered the end result should display the most accurate recommendation.

For example, "I want to use this for ____ a) mobile dictation, b) dictating in front of the computer" I can then select one answer per question. The result will be the closet match based on the answers given.

Can I do this on Mac? If not, I can run Parallels for Windows so any PC suggestions would help too.
