> Done learning python at code academy, What next?

Done learning python at code academy, What next?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
The best way to learn any language is through projects. You don't really ever have to become an expert in any one language and in all likelihood you wont memorize every possible command anyway.

My point is that when you know enough to get the job done then you're pretty much done. There are more important things to learn than the language itself which is nothing but a tool.

You can read all about using a hammer all day long but it's not going to teach you to build a house.

Next steps then: learn OOP, design patterns, useful algorithms, etc.

Next, focus on your other subjects at school and make sure you get good grades so you can graduate. After that, get university degree and then apply for a job.

Note: After you learn to drive, you wouldn't ask people to suggest places where you should drive to. To learn to drive, so that WHEN you have somewhere to go, you'll know how to operate the car. You may still need to get specific directions at the time.

So, you know the basics of Python. You don't have to learn more until a need arises, and then you research that topic.

I know about "learn python the hard way" but i'm wondering if there's any better website, Don't suggest any books except if you provide their links and if they are free, And don't suggest any challenges websites such as project euler etc.., I have knowledge of them.