> Java Programming, Hate to Love problem?

Java Programming, Hate to Love problem?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Java programming language. If you want to best programmer, you will need java program. We love java and learn, you will success in your life.because valentines is near i would like to give my very special friend a love letter using the java programming,, and i don't know what will be the content of it,, and i would like to know your suggestion

You mean like hate->have->wave->wove->love? Those are often called "word ladders" and you'll need a dictionary of acceptable words.

The LinkedList or ArrayDeque class may be useful if you're going to use a depth-first search (needs a queue), and a HashSet is probably the fastest dictionary lookup structure if you only need to to know if the word is there or not.

Learn JavaScript (JS) and you'll have more job opportunities as the JS demand is rising.

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