> HTML resources?

HTML resources?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Where could I find a list of all the meanings? Like "rel", "colspan"?

I'm doing lessons, but they don't tell me what they mean, just to type them.


W3.org is THE source. It is a good site to frequent. it's not exciting but it should be taken as gospel of the holy teachings of the web. W3schools is NOT associated with them. They might have some useful info but it's they also have some terrible info in places as well.

rel mean relationship. it shows the relationship between two files while The colspan attribute is an HTML feature that enables a table cell in a web page to extend over multiple columns.

HTML reference

There is a chart in.. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.as... ...named HTML tag reference.you can see there.That's really helpful.You can also look forward to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs... ...Good luck.

You can find all the meaning of these



I got a cert of there. Really good.

Well you could try w3schools.com or maybe google it.

http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/serendip/ht... has some references.

I highly suggest: http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/myfirstsit... as well. You can search all the tags and codes and it has definitions and examples of all existing tags.

Hope this helps :D

on http://w3-video.com/Web_Technologies/HTM...

Where could I find a list of all the meanings? Like "rel", "colspan"?

I'm doing lessons, but they don't tell me what they mean, just to type them.