> Help Coding / Programming BMI?

Help Coding / Programming BMI?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You need either an if statement or a switch statement to make decisions in a program based on conditions. In this case, you have greater-than and less-than signs, so you'll need an if statement. Add the following code after the "Calculate BMI" section:

String BMICategory;

if (bodyMassIndex < 18.5)


BMICategory = "underweight";


else if (bodyMassIndex >= 18.5 && bodyMassIndex <= 25)


BMICategory = "optimal weight";




BMICategory = "overweight";


Then, put something in the output like:

System.out.println("Your BMI is: " + bodyMassIndex + ". You are " + BMICategory + ".");

This should give you something like "Your BMI is 20. You are optimal weight."

You would use an if, else if, and else statement


if (bodyMassIndex > 18.5 || bodyMassIndex < 25)




else if(bodyMassIndex < 18){




system.out.print("over weight")

You dont to check the weight on the last one because if it isnt optimal and if it isnt underwieght then its overweight

Here's what I have so far, cant figure out how to display a message indicating whether the person had optimal weight(between 18.5 and 25), underweight(less than 18.5) or overweight(over 25).

Note: I'm in a hybrid Intro to Programming 101 class with only a hour of instruction a week.

We use JGrasp and Java.

Than you!!

import java.util.Scanner;

// BMI calculator

public class BodyMassIndex


public static void main (String[] args)


Scanner keyboard = new Scanner ( System.in );

final double BMI_CONVERSION = 703.0; // pounds/inches to kilograms/meters for BMI calculations

double bodyMassIndex;

double height;

double weight;

// input

System.out.print( "What's your height in inches? ");

height = keyboard.nextDouble();

System.out.print( "What's you weight in pounds? ");

weight = keyboard.nextDouble();

// Calculate BMI

bodyMassIndex = weight * BMI_CONVERSION / (height * height);

// output

System.out.println( "Your BMI is: " + bodyMassIndex );

