> How do I write a bill counting program for python 3.3.5?

How do I write a bill counting program for python 3.3.5?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Here's a Python 2 version. It should be easy for you to convert it to 3.3.5. Good Luck!

amount = int(input("Enter amount in dollars: "))

hundreds = amount/100

amount %= 100 # modulo is remainder after division

fifties = amount/50

amount %= 50

twenties = amount/20

amount %= 20

tens = amount/10

amount %= 10

fives = amount/5

amount %= 5

twos = amount/2

amount %= 2

ones = amount

print "Hundred dollar bills: ", hundreds

print "fifty dollar bills: ", fifties

print "twenty dollar bills: ", twenties

print "ten dollar bills: ", tens

print "five dollar bills: ", fives

print "two dollar coins: ", twos

print "one dollar coins: ", ones

it will helpful if you showed me an updated version,

I need it to be able to give change in 100,50,20,10,5 bills. I need it to also give change in 2 and 1 dollar, because Im Canadian. for example, if I put in $652 i want the program to print out six $100 bill,one $50 bill and $2 coin.