> How can I run java programs on the command prompt? My computer does not recognise javac. Some programs can only run on t

How can I run java programs on the command prompt? My computer does not recognise javac. Some programs can only run on t

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You have to download the Java development kit for your current JRE and set the path to use javac.

If you don't know how to set the path, here's how.

1. Type "edit the system environment variables" into the start menu and click the result.

2. Click 'Environment variables...'

3. Find Path or PATH in the system variables list. Edit it.

4. Append a semicolon to the list if one is not present, and add the file path of the JDK bin (%programfiles%\jdk1.#.#_##\bin) - Don't put %programfiles%, put the actual program files directory which you can find by typing %programfiles% into explorer, and replace #'s with the JDK version.

5. Save, click OK, etc. and open command prompt. You should be able to type javac FileName.java and have it compile.