> How do I get a job in the Computing Industry? Hi, My name is Thomas I am 15 and I'm in Year 11 at high school.?

How do I get a job in the Computing Industry? Hi, My name is Thomas I am 15 and I'm in Year 11 at high school.?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Right now, just focus on getting good grades in high school. Have a healthy diet and get enough sleep.

You didn't say if you have already learned a programming language (a full semester).

Edit: OK, continue with that when you have time -- just don't let it interfere with your regular school work.

If you get to a point where you want to learn another language, I'll suggest Python. And, after that, I'll suggest assembly language. After that, learn SQL to manipulate databases.

And then you need to go to university to get credentials and have a more well-rounded education, where you can choose electives like psychology, philosophy, economics and art history.

The core courses you take will be dictated to you by the university but make sure your major is Computer Science.