> How do you loop a math question in Visual Basic 2012?

How do you loop a math question in Visual Basic 2012?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You need to have

choice1 = Console.ReadLine()

inside the loop instead of


You don't need the if inside the loop.

You should just display "Correct!" after the loop.

Here is what I have:

Sub Main()

Dim choice0 As String

Console.WriteLine("Welcome to this demo game.")

Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name.")

choice0 = Console.ReadLine()

If choice0 = ("") Then

End If

Console.WriteLine("Hello " & choice0 & " welcome to the game.")

Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue")


Dim choice1 As String

Dim num As Integer = 2

Console.WriteLine("Lets start by doing a maths sum.")

Console.WriteLine("What is 1+1")

choice1 = Console.ReadLine()

Do Until choice1 = num

If choice1 = num Then



Console.WriteLine("Try Again Noa!")


End If


Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue")


I want the problem to repeat until the answer is right, but the way I have it even if the answer is right it still says "Try Again Noa!". Any suggestions, thanks in advance!