> How do you use the printf() function in Java?

How do you use the printf() function in Java?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
System.out.printf("the equation has two roots: %.5f and %.5f\n", r1, r2);

System.out.printf ("\nThe equation has two roots: %8.5f and %8.5f ", r1, r2);

i wrote a program that gives me a lot of decimal paces in the answer how can i restricted to 6 decimal places?

the code is the following:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class HW3_1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.print("Enter a,b,c: ");

Scanner imput = new Scanner(System.in);

double a = imput.nextDouble();

double b = imput.nextDouble();

double c = imput.nextDouble();

double d = Math.pow( b , 2 );

double discriminate = d - (4 * a * c);

double r1 = ((-b + Math.pow(discriminate,.5)) / (2 * a));

double r2 = ((-b - Math.pow(discriminate,.5)) / (2 * a));

if (discriminate > 0){

System.out.println("the equation has two roots: " + r1 + " and " + r2);


else if (discriminate == 0){

System.out.println("the equation has one root: " + r1);


else if (discriminate < 0){

System.out.println("the equation has no real roots");




When i use: 1,3,1 as the imput i want it to display only the first 5 decimal places. PLEASE HELP!!!