> How far should i go in programming before i go to university ?

How far should i go in programming before i go to university ?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Don't worry about learning any specific languages. Learn how to program instead. Having good programming fundamentals lets you program in any language. The syntax will change from language to language, but the programming will still be the same.

You might benefit from at least going a bit through Computational Logic, Computers Architecture and some Algebra, Geometry and Math Analysis ... they will probably be studied there too in the first year. Anyway, you should be able to see the University's Educational Plan and see exactly what you'll study and when. It differs from University to University.

how far have you gone in math ?

that is the MUCH higher priority

you really should try to complete one year of calculus before starting a university computer science program

one year of physics would be great too

I study physics and math a lot alredy and i think i have everything over that part done ^.^

Hello guys, i will be attending Computer Science at university in about 1 year? And i was wondering, how far should i get before that? I hear al ot of this about, people who basickly got no good knowledge they go there and learn and those who know a lot and go there just for the degree?

Also ive heard from friends that are alredy at uni, most of their classes never really programmed ever... so.. Whats your opinion, how far should i go? I'm alredy extensively aware of web programming mostly the back-end part(PHP,MYSQL etc) and im trying to tend along the route of Java. Any advices ?