> Website help?

Website help?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
So now I habe a website all set up now I need to get it out there how do I do it for free thanks.

There are lots of free website hosts around - my favorite is yolasite.com . Go there, sign up (no risks and no cost) and click their "Create a website" button. Then, you can just use "Create a new page" as many times as you need. Copy each page of your website to these pages and hit "publish".

Of course, you should test each page by previewing it before publishing, and you'll want to use the "Metadata" function to create keywords, description etc for the browsers, but even without these you can have your website up there to show friends - it just won't get picked up by the search engines without metadata.

So now I habe a website all set up now I need to get it out there how do I do it for free thanks.