> How to fix binary script error in IE 9?

How to fix binary script error in IE 9?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Here are three fixes you can try.? Test after each one to determine if the problem is resolved..? Before testing, close Internet Explorer, then verify in the Task Manager that iexplore.exe is not running.? Reopen Internet Explorer and visit the site that provoked the error.

(1)? Visit the problem site.? Press Alt, then click Tools and Compatibility View Settings.? Click Add and Close.

(2)? Press Alt, then click Tools and Internet Options.? Click Content, then click "Clear SSL state", OK, and OK.

(3)? Press Alt, then click Tools and Internet Options.? Under "Browsing history", click Delete.? Unselect "Preserve Favorites website data", select “Temporary Internet files” and “Cookies”, then click Delete.? Click OK.