> How to make a system that automatically adds or subtracts a value, then to be shown straight away on a website?

How to make a system that automatically adds or subtracts a value, then to be shown straight away on a website?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
In other words, the server needs to store stuff beyond single page visits, correct? You will need server side scripting for this, like PHP.

Dreamweaver won't help here at all.

Start here: http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/php

Thankyou buddy I'll check it out although I have very little coding knowledge.

I am using dreamweaver cs5.5 to make my website, i need to be able to have an automatic system that either adds or subtract from an original value, I do not know if there is a function built in or not to help me with, in a little bit more detail, there are 20 teams each with a starting budget of £50million, if they sign someone to their team then I need the cost of that person to be taken out of the teams budget and shown on the website directly after, any help is greatly appreciated
