> I always wanted to make real pc games. I was advised to learn unity game engine. should i learn that or something else?

I always wanted to make real pc games. I was advised to learn unity game engine. should i learn that or something else?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Well, Unity is a game engine, used for developing games. It is a good start for the beginners. This game engine is best suited for developing mobile games but also have a support for Consoles & PC. Unity uses its anyone of the three scripting languages for developing games - JavaScript, C# and Boo. People find JavaScript easy to start with. With Unity game engine, you can develop good quality 2D and 3D games.

Unity Free Video Tutorials Link:


Unity Manual and Scripting Link:


It is a right path towards developing games if you are planning to be become an Indie Developer. Most of the Indies or small to medium sized companies use this game engines for developing games for different platform.


C++ is considered as the best programming language for developing games.

As you have mentioned that you have some knowledge of C++ then I recommend you to expand your knowledge in C++ and also learn Direct X and Open GL. The knowledge of C++ comes very handy if you want to break into gaming industry as a game programmer. I also do recommend you to learn other powerful game engines such as Unreal Engine 4 and CryEngine. Both uses C++ for developing game functionality and far superior than Unity game engine. These two are basically for developing large game projects and gives high quality results. These two are used most of the game companies. Games like Tekken 7 (yet to be released) and Crysis 3 are developed on these respectively. You can gain access to them by paying a monthly price to the owner. 19 Dollars for using Unreal Engine 4.

There is another game engine known Unreal Development Kit. It uses Unreal Engine 3 system and is completely free to use for non commercial purpose. It uses Unreal Scripting language which is quite similar to C++ for developing the game functionality. It is more powerful than Unity and give high quality effects. You can develop games for any platforms with UDK. Here is a link of it:


i have some experience coding motion games in turbo c++ during my school and i know that i have to move forward from turbo.

is unity the best path to take?

i mean is it the best and original method to be used or should i try learning from somewhere else?

i wanna make pc games

the nice stuff

plz help