> I am confused about the hexadecimal system?

I am confused about the hexadecimal system?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
how could 2F1=753, 2x15x1 is only 31

That's not how hexadecimal works. You can't just multiply the hexadecimal digits together and get an answer in decimal.

Think about how numbers work in decimal (base 10) first. A number like 753 can be written as:

7 ×?100 + 5 ×?10 + 3 ×?1

In other words:

7(102) + 5(101) + 1(10?)

Each digit in decimal represents the next power of 10 up. The '7' in 753 really represents 700 = 7(102).

Now, hexadecimal uses base 16 instead of base 10. Therefore, you can write a number like 2F1 as:

2(162) + F(161) + 1(16?)

= 2(256) + 15(16) + 1(1)

= 753 (base 10)

Each digit in hexadecimal represents the next power of 16 up. The 2 in 2F1 really represents 512 = 2(162).

For base 10:

1000 100 10 1

For base 3:

27 9 3 1

For base 4:

64 16 4 1

For base 2"

8 4 2 1

Each base has it's placeholder multiplied by the base as shown above. So how would we do this for base 16?



......................2.........F....1 = 256x2 + 16x15 + 1 = 512 + 240 + 1 = 753

2F1 = 2*16^2+ 15*16^1 +1 *16^0 = 753

2 * 16^2 + 'f' * 16 + 3 =

2*256 + 15*16 + 3 = 755

yes youre confused

234 decimal is NOT 2*3 *4,

it's 2 * 100 + 3 * 10 + 4

hex works similarly.

why to the power of 2 and 1 please xplain

how could 2F1=753, 2x15x1 is only 31