> I am currently working on a program and wanted to know if anyone could help. I need to implement the increment method to

I am currently working on a program and wanted to know if anyone could help. I need to implement the increment method to

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I think you need a "}" to end class Date before you begin class IncDate.

Note: My own personal opinion is that trivial getters (and setters) should be formatted as follows:

public int getYear () { return year; }

public int getMonth () { return month; }

public int getDay () { return day; }

public String toString () { return (month + "/" + day + "/" + year); }

I made a correction to your toString () expression.

This is the program...

package dates;

public class Date {

protected int year;

protected int month;

protected int day;

public Date(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear)


month = newMonth;

day = newDay;

year = newYear;


public int getYear()


return year;


public int getMonth()


return month;


public int getDay()


return day;


public int lilian()


final int SUBDAYS = 578100;

int numDays = 0;

numDays = year * 365;

if (month <= 2)

numDays = numDays + (month - 1) * 31;


numDays = numDays + ((month - 1) * 31)

- ((4 * (month - 1) + 27) / 10);

numDays = numDays + day;

numDays = numDays + (year / 4) - (year / 100) + (year / 400);

if(month < 3)


if ((year % 4) == 0) numDays = numDays - 1;

if ((year % 100) == 0) numDays = numDays + 1;

if ((year % 400) == 0) numDays = numDays - 1;


numDays = numDays - SUBDAYS;

return numDays;


public String toString()


return(month + "/" + "/" + year);


public class IncDate extends Date


public IncDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear)


super(newMonth, newDay, newYear);


public void increment()


