> I have a great idea for an app how can I make it happen?

I have a great idea for an app how can I make it happen?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Everyone has an idea.

Hire someone who specializes in developing mobile apps. You can hire someone on Elance or oDesk. If your budget allows you to spend more just look into yellow-pages for Mobile app development agency in your locality.

Depending on whether you want to make it for the iPhone or Android, Google is your friend. There's tons of tutorials out there on how to do it. You can make some apps just using HTML, CSS and JavaScript I believe while some require you to do actual programming.

Good luck!

You can look up "how to create an app" on Google. I've done it before, and it gives complete and thorough info.

Good luck! What do you plan on calling it?

I have a great idea for an app I ran it by close family / friends of mine and so far everyone says it's a good idea and we can all see it being big and useful to many.. I think it's good think is I have no clue about developing an app, please help!!