> I just finished an introduction of java. What should I learn next to know more about java?

I just finished an introduction of java. What should I learn next to know more about java?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
The best book I have on my shelf is "Core Java" by Horstmann and Cornell. It's a two-volume set, but pretty much everything you'll need in your first year or so is covered in the first volume. What I like is that the examples are oriented toward real, practical programming issues and not cute-but-useless demos.

The Java Tutorials website is also a good way to get acquainted with the core classes and language tools. It used to be better. The examples have been converted to "web start" form in many cases, which is nice for presentations but not so nice for learning. It's still a valuable resource and better than most anything to get you focused toward using the official online docs.


Scroll down to "Trails Covering the Basics". Skim the first trail ("Getting Started") if you've already been introduced to Java, and work through all of the five. You can put off the "preparing for certification" trail until you think a certificate might be worth your time and money. (It's not, for me, but I'm not you.) Then, take a look at the GUI trails, and pick any specialized trails on an as-needed basis. The trails on generics, JDBC database access and custom networking are worth looking at, and you might also be interested in the sound and 2-D graphics trails.

You really should get used to reading technical documentation. Don't fear the Java Language Specification. Don't try to read it as a novel, though. When you've covered a section in a book or tutorial, take a look at the JLS for the Real Documentation. That will add some depth, plus get you used to the terminology. Don't worry if some of what you read in the spec doesn't scan yet. Check the index to find definitions for terms you don't understand. (Sadly, there's no glossary.)

go to potato.com. they will teach u nothing

I want to know what I can do with java and what I should learn do those thing. Is there any book that give the general information? I don't want to dig into some specification at this moment, but just general idea about java so that I can choose some specific fields I like.