> I'm 14 and i want to learn Java or HTML 5? What's the best way?

I'm 14 and i want to learn Java or HTML 5? What's the best way?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Firstly, good you are deciding to learn new technologies at 14.

*Pats his back *:

Secondly, it depends on what you want to storehous apprais specialize in.

HTML is justa mark up language. It's mainly for websites. It is what your browser's- Explorer, Safari, Firefox and so forth understand. Though HTML is a markup it will continue to gain popularity it seems due to several reasons. Why? Who does not love internet everyone relies on it. Learning just HTML isn't doing any good. With it you learn technologies like CSS3 which beautifies HTML, JavaScript or Query which give HTML wheels, and other frameworks to make it very useful. :)

On contrast, please do learn Java. Why? It's become a way of life. It supports heck load of things. It's has the capabilities to do many different things and changing life's of million people around the world. Java is a complete programming language. Like HTML, is cross platform but very different. Java can make machines rotate, drive cars, etc.



for java you need html but if you stick on html you will like to do job as web designer but being web designer doesn't have that much value so java with html is better option, for tutorials on java follow this website http://www.tutorialsera.com

The World Wide Web Consortium has a good set of online tutorials. All of them are free.

Youtube has alot of great videos for every level of programming

Have a look for online courses

