> C++ beginner?

C++ beginner?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
you calculated it right. the output is 15. Why do you think its 28? 50^34 is 5212571064332189696. if you take the mod 31, you get 15.

test: 5212571064332189696 divided by 31 = 168147453688135151.4838709

Then, 168147453688135151 times 31 = 5212571064332189681

if you subtract 5212571064332189681 from 5212571064332189696, you get 15.

Hi guys,

i am a beginner in c++.

Found this problem:


Write a program that calculates bth power of a modulus k. For example, if you are asked to calculate 2^6 mod 7; 6th power of 2 is 64 thus 64 modulus 7 is 1.

Input specification

You will be given 3 integers, a, b, and k where b represents the power and k represents the modulus operand and 0 ≤ b ≤ 1000 and 1 < (a and k) ≤ 1000.

Output specification

Show just one integer number which is between 0 and k-1.


And this is my solution :

int a , k;

unsigned int b;


long long int total;


else if (b>0)


for(int i=1;i<=b;i++)


total*=a; }


it functions well with small numbers but when i try with : 50 34 31 , it outputs 15 when it is supposed to output 28. I can't figure out the problem. please help.