> I need a programator ho knows something of music?

I need a programator ho knows something of music?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
There are various bits of software about to do this, eg. one here with a free trial:


True MIDI guitars have separate conversion for each string, so there is no confusion about which string is producing a note or if two strings are fretted to the same pitch.

I have an MG-510 - that's basically a Japanese built Strat clone with a full six channel MIDI converter included. They seem to go for around £400 (which is about what I paid new 20 years ago).



If you look closely in the pictures you can see the extra line of pickups just below the bridge humbucker.

You can get add-on multichannel converters, but they cost about as much as a MIDI guitar.

eg. http://allyouneedmusic.com/catalog/Shado...