> I need income over $60000 to pay only 10% on first $150000 & 15% on next $45000 & 33% on remaining income IN JAV

I need income over $60000 to pay only 10% on first $150000 & 15% on next $45000 & 33% on remaining income IN JAV

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Here's what I get. Good Luck!

import java.util.Scanner;

public class JaylynnTax {

// Tax rates,constants

final static double TAX1 = 0.10;

final static double TAX2 = 0.15;

final static double TAX3 = 0.33;

final static double BRACKET1 = 15000.00;

final static double BRACKET2 = 45000.00;

final static double BRACKET3 = 60000.00;

public static void main(String[] args) {


Income over $60000 to pay only 10% on first $15000 & 15% on next $45000

& 33% on remaining income IN JAVA.


Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);


double income;

double tax=0;

//Getting income from user

System.out.println("Please input the income, type -1 to end");


while(income!=-1) {

if (income<=BRACKET1) {


} else if(income<=BRACKET3) {

tax=BRACKET1*TAX1 + (income-BRACKET1)*TAX2;

} else { // income>BRACKET3


} //end if

System.out.println ("The tax on $" + income + " is $" + tax);

System.out.println("Please input the income, type -1 to end");


} // end while

} // end main()

} // end class JaylynnTax


double income;

double tax=0;

//Getting income from user

System.out.println("Please input the income, type -1 to end");



if (income<=15000)


System.out.println ("The tax on $" + income + " is $" + tax);

if(income>=15001 && income<=60000){

tax=(income-15000)*20/100 +(15000*10/100);

System.out.println ("The tax on $" + income + " is $" + tax);


if (income>60000){



System.out.println("Please input the income, type -1 to end");
