> Java 2 Array Index Help?

Java 2 Array Index Help?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Hope this helps

public class Translation {

public static void main(String[] args)


String[] eng = {"hello", "goodbye", "cat", "dog"};

String[] fre = {"bonjour", "au revoir", "le chat", "le chien"};

String word;

word = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter word");

int result = sequentialSearch(eng, word);

if(result == -1)


JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"S... Word not found");




JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"F... Translation: "+fre[result]);



public static int sequentialSearch(String [] words, String target)


int index=0; boolean found = false;

for(int i=0;i



found = true;

index =i;





return index;


return -1;



I'm currently going through an old CS class learning assignment that I found online. I need to use arrays to convert English words to French and vice versa using 2 string arrays and a linear search. I set up the linear search but I'm having difficulty setting up the process to draw the output from the 2nd array. Below is what I put together so far but as I said, I know that I need to reference the first index and pull the corresponding item in the other, but I can't seem to piece the code together.

I'm stumped on drawing the output from the input. Any guidance is appreciated!

import java.text.*; // general package for formatting

import javax.swing.*; // for GUI

public class Translation


public static void main(String[] args)


String[] eng = {"hello", "goodbye", "cat", "dog"};

String[] fre = {"bonjour", "au revoir", "le chat", "le chien"};

String word;

word = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter word");

sequentialSearch(eng, word);


public static int sequentialSearch(new words[], int target)


int index;

int element;

boolean found;

index = 0;

element = -1;

found = false;

while (!found && index < words.length)


if (words[index] == target)


found = true;

element = index;




return element;

