> Mozilla Firefox CSS?

Mozilla Firefox CSS?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I forgot to add the next line to the head section:

It is in my original file.


I just would learn more about the CSS transform property.

I got a very simple HTML and CSS file.

It works fine in Explorer but not in Firefox.

HTML file


CSS file

li {

display: inline;

padding: 15px;


nav {

border: 1px solid black;

width: 30%;


nav a:hover {

-moz-animation: rolling 3s;

animation: rolling 3s;


@-moz-keyframes rolling {

from {

-moz-transform: rotate(0) scale(.5);


to {

-moz-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1);



@keyframes rolling {

from {

transform: rotate(0) scale(.5);


to {

transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1);



How could #I get it work?

Thank you