> Need Help with MVC in PHP..?

Need Help with MVC in PHP..?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
There's a good basic post on this at http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/php/ar...

Why use it? It imposes a good structure. If you're new to coding then it can guide you. If you're experienced, you might not see a need.

This isn't something that can be easily answered on YA. I suggest you read up on MVC and what it is. I've linked to a good beginner's tutorial on this.

hi i can't understand MVC..

how will i connect my 3 .php files using MVC?? and what's the difference of using MVC from not using MVC? mine is just a simple username/password form and then it should be processed by MVC and will drop me to a simple "welcome to my page" page..

how do i make a control? is there a syntax for it?