> Need help with changing the outline to Source-code?

Need help with changing the outline to Source-code?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
write a program that allows user to pick any number of cards randomly from a deck of 52 cards.

The following is pseudo code for the solution program:

public class DisplayDeckOfCards{

public static void main(String[] args) {

//declare and initialize deck of cards as int array

//initialize a deck of cards with numbers 0 through 51. Hint: reuse the code from textbook.

//call shuffle method to shuffle the deck of cards

//Ask user to input number of cards to display

//call displayCards method to display (hint: pass deck of cards and number to method)

}//end of main

//Shuffle deck method here

//define a method named shuffle that shuffles a deck of cards passed to it as an int array

//hint: method must accept deck of cards as an int array.

//hint: use shuffle deck algorithm from page 235

//DisplayCards method here

//define a method named displayCards that accepts two arguments:

//1. a deck of cards as an int array and 2. an int number (for number of cards to display)

//you may need to move the creation and and initialization of string arrays for suits and ranks from main method into this method.