> Need help writing python program?

Need help writing python program?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
If I was doing it I would loop round asking if each coin is q, d, n, p or End. Then you loop round adding up the coins as you go until they enter End.

I am having trouble writing a program that adds up coins using while statements.

it should look like this when done:

How many coins do you have?

what is coin #1? (enter q, d, n, p)

what is coin #2? (enter q, d, n, p)

You have __ dollars and __ cents

I started off with:

coincount =1

countotal = int(input("how many coins do you have? "))

while coincount <= countotal"

print " (' you have entered ", coincount)

coincount = coincount +1

Thus far it will loop the same amount of coins I enter but I can't figure out how get it to ask for what each coin is then add it up from there