> PHP: Windows can't open this file? HELP?

PHP: Windows can't open this file? HELP?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Help! I save files as the .php format and this is what happens:

That just means that there is no associated application, yet. Since PHP normally only runs when called from a web server, not when you double-click on it, the common thing to do here is to pick the text editor you plan to use to edit that file.

Choose "Select a program from a list..." then pick which you want to use. If you have something you like that isn't associated with anything else, it might not show up in the list. In that case, you can browse for the .exe file.

If you don't have a programming editor installed, you can use Notepad. That's sort of the last-resort editor for Windows. It ain't great, but it's always there.

phpfiles are web based xcript foles. Tere ois NO standard windows program to open then. so you need to right click tem and select open with thenCAREFUlLy select Notepad of you want to edit them. Do NOT carelessly leave the "laways use this program tomppen this type of file" tick box on, or you fond some slower web sites using php will no longer work as Windows wil report it can ot open that typemof file, or try to open them in notepad and fail to display the page.

Of course Windows cannot open that file. PHP Hypertext Processor is used to open that file. You need to install WAMP, that is the package of MySQL, Apache and PHP. Afterwards, you'll be able to open it in the browser by writing http://localhost/test.php

For that to happen the file must be in the localhost folder, which is var/www for Ubuntu and c:/wamp/www for Windows. Or you can modify that wamp/www to a different path from httpd.conf ... that is from Apache config file. But it would be better for now to just put it in the wamp/www folder and open it in the browser as indicated.

Help! I save files as the .php format and this is what happens: