> Struct C question?

Struct C question?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
If your struct is defined as such:

struct structType{

int a;

int b;


If you declare your structure as such:

struct structType my_struct;

then you reference the members using


If you declare your structure as a pointer (and hopefully points to some properly allocated memory location):

struct structType *my_struct;

then you reference the members using


If the code you are writing has direct access to the object instance itself, by name, then you may use the "." notation to access a member of the object. If the code you are writing was provided only with a pointer to the object instance, and doesn't have the actual object instance itself in scope, then you use the "->" notation to access members. It's possible that you have both a pointer to the object AND the object itself in scope -- in that case you can go either way, but the "." notation will usually be more efficient then.

For example:

? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? ? ? struct { int a, b; } x, *y= &x;

? ? ? ? ? ? x.a= 1; ? ? // not, x->a= 1;

? ? ? ? ? ? y->b= 2; ? ? ? ?// not, y.a= 2;

? ? ? ? }

In the above, you have x, which IS the object, and you have y, which is a pointer TO the object. There is ONLY one object here. Not two. y just points at x. So, when using the object directly, the dot (.) syntax is used. But when using a pointer TO the object instead, the arrow (->) syntax is used.

node->x means a pointer to x in the node struct.

node.x means the value of x in the node struct.

-> is the structure dereference operator

Structure dereference ("member b of object pointed to by a")


node is a pointer to a structure


node is a structure