> Think I should learn to program in python before C++?

Think I should learn to program in python before C++?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You should assume that you will be learning multiple programming languages over time.

When you say, "I am learning Python," what, exactly does that mean? Does it mean you are in a course? How far have you gotten?

In my first university programming course they taught 2 languages, and in a 2nd course they taught 2 other languages.

Python is great as a first language, and it's great to know to write little utilities. So, I recommend that everyone learn it.

I generally recommend C++ as a 2nd language.

You should NOT think of Python as a path into C++. It is simply an easier entry into programming. You (anyone) can learn basic programming principles with any general-purpose programming language.

Yes, python would be a good predecessor to C++, to help you understand the logical structure and object-oriented languages. Better yet, learn python and then learn Java, which is essentially C++ 2.0

The first language you study is ALWAYS the hardest to learn because you have to do more than just learn the syntax, you have to learn how to write logical code. So, yes, learning python will help you to learn C++ somewhat. Not the syntax or anything but how to write logical code.

What languages you learn depends on what you want to do with them, so should you switch to C++? What is your goal?

They are very different. If you have the programming logic basics down then go straight for c++. c++ is more structured and a bit harder but if you aren't planning on using python then it may be a waste of time

Like what CJ said. If you know basics start with C++, but if you're a newbie go with Python.

The better question is why are you learning to program? If you want to build websites, then c++ is not the best option.

I am learning Python and am thinking to go straight to learning C++ afterwards. I know C++ is harder and will take longer to learn but am wanting to know if knowing python before C++ will give me a better handle on learning C++? or are they totally foreign to each other?