> Wanna be a programmer, need help?

Wanna be a programmer, need help?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
The Android SDK is free, and so are older versions of Xcode if you don't need the latest iOS version features while you are learning. (I don't do iOS because I build my own computers and Xcode only runs on Apple hardware.)

But, graphical programming is not the best place to start, either as apps for mobile devices or desktop windowed apps. If you're unhappy with making things that only run on your computer--at least for a

while--then you are probably not going to be happy doing programming. The "put out there" part of programming (aka "deployment") is the last minuscule bit of the whole project.

I suggest a high-level language at first, so as not to get bogged down in hardare details. Plenty of time to learn that later. So, Python or Java or C# make good starting choices. Learn to manage pure text

programs using a console interface.

A lot of this is learning to use loops, conditions, subroutines and objects to manage different kinds of data structures. You'll need these, plus learning a large, complex graphical application framework.

More important is learning how to look at a problem and come up with a solution that can be coded. You don't learn that from a website or book. You learn that by writing programs, making mistakes, finding and

fixing them, looking critically at a working result, figuring out how to make it better, and so on.

Whatever path you pick, take a look at the introduction to "Learn Python the Hard Way" by Zed Shaw. Shaw shows how "the hard way" he describes is actually easier in the long run, and describes learning techniques

that some of us had to discover "the hard way".


(The HTML book is free. Video lesson are about US$30.)

I am new to the world of programming, I have 0 knowledge and 0 money. What language can I learn and eventually produce stuff with that other people can benefit from... i thought about apps but the sdk license are to expensive.

please help!!!

Also how would I start...

I want to make something I can put out ther, not just a file on my computer.