> What is the best website builder that include custom HTML/CSS and SEO friendly?

What is the best website builder that include custom HTML/CSS and SEO friendly?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Well, wordpress is a good option for beginners. Since it is open source, you can edit html, css and javascript. There are plugins and themes available for it. If you are looking for a book of javascript, then get a good one from o’reilly media.


zee soft is most popular web devloper in this world

You can use Wordpress. They have responsive themes(see themeforest.net) that perform well in various devices like tablets, smartphones, laptops and computers. They also have a user-friendly interface to manage your website.

If you really want to code the site yourself, you can use dreamweaver.

I would suggest you, use wordpress CMS for buidling website because it is easy to use and SEO friendly also. You can install the wordpress Yoast SEO plug-ins in it.

First, WordPress is not for beginners. I would recommend Weebly and why?

1. You can do the drag and drop PLUS you can edit it's CSS and HTML so with the JQuery on its template.

2. SEO is not a feature of a site, it is your work.

3. Responsiveness can either be applied once you're already knowledgeable of coding.

I am a user of Weebly, I began from scratch now atleast I know how to edit my own site.

And here is my output site.: http://www.myweeblytricks.com/


I will recommend you word-press. Word press is a good option for beginners and it good for building websites.

I'm looking for a website builder that have these feature. To work on a website and also to exercise my html and css skills and javascript if possible. ( very new to javascript and it hard to learn for me. Can anyone please recommend a good Javascript book for beginners with exercise train include? thanks. sorry for the off topic)

I've been look at Squarespace, Weebly, Wordpress...ect. Tho I'm sure which one to choose.