> How do you get text centered on an image? Or get text onto/into an image at all in html/css?

How do you get text centered on an image? Or get text onto/into an image at all in html/css?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I don't think people are going to teach you what you want to know. In your question, you said, and I quote "Or get text onto/into an image at all in html/css?", and you also said, and I quote "please no { and #".

I think you are contradicting yourself. You want to do a task, and you also don't want to do a task. I think you really need sleep.

If you have a problem understanding directions because your tired, then go to sleep, and start fresh when you wake up.

Unfortunately, and I quote "please no {, and #" won't cut it, so go to bed, and then when you wake up, start using what you don't want to use, so you can accomplish what you want done.

You can just place align="center" or create class for your image in your style.css like in this link http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_g...

I'm way too tired to actually understand directions, so please no { and # when you explain unless you explain how to put those in the coding, please.

Thank you. I'd love this info ASAP.