> When i minimize browser window content and element inside webpage are hiding?

When i minimize browser window content and element inside webpage are hiding?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
You do this by setting a div to a certain width.

You can also use the min-width and max-width properties.

#content {

min-width: 800px


Use your browser zooming setting. Set your browser zoom option according to your need. It may be 80% or 125%. So you are facing this problem due to browser setting and set you browser to see full content of the webpage.

I wondered when i saw the webpage called [w3schools.com][1] when i minimize(shrinking) the browser window by right content and element inside the webpage are hiding. (how much i reduced window size that much content of webpage also hiding ) which css property commands are used in div tag do this. what do i insert into my webpage to happened like that.

[1]: http://www.w3schools.com