> Where can I learn how to hack?

Where can I learn how to hack?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Don't be mad, Hacktavist

Ok first thing you'll want to do is get a hacker mask. I prefer a ski mask but my hacking buddies also use the mask from Scream. That way no one can see whose hacking.

Next you'll want to find a room with no windows. If no one can see your face or no where you are, how are they going to catch you. In the room, make sure no lights are on and it's during the night. It will LITERALLY make it impossible for ANYONE in the world to catch you.

Now I've been hacking for 2 years and have never been caught. What these guys are saying "learn script, Java, HTML". You don't need any of that. I've learned how to code on my own from asking Jeeves. If you want to hack with us, message me and we can hack together. I'm pretty good at it but always willing to help someone out. We have monthly hacking meetings at Denny's wearing our masks too. I wear my mask a lot so no one can see me.

Source: Professional Hacker

As purring and nick have said, you need to learn about computers. Not only programming, but networking and much more...

Hacking just means using things for stuff things weren't designed for. Once you know more about programming, networking and generally how computers work, you still need the mindset of a "hacker" and that's really tough to learn. I consider it more to be a creative personality trait and that's very, very difficult to learn. You either have it or you don't.

You can't hack yet unless you learn how to do basic programming first. If you think you're confident enough to make another step to programming, that's the time you can start asking how to learn hacking.


To answer your question seriously. Hacking is pretty much programing and advanced understanding of computers. Install linux for yourself, learn to program, mess around with linux and be active in it's community and you'll learn the basic skills without which you cannot hack.

Well you can learn hacking with knowledge of computers, programming,database, networking etc. After learning this subjects you can proceed to learn hacking. Lot of tutorials are available on the internet you can use them too.

Based on your wording I'm not entirely sure you know what hacking is. Learn to program first.

Don't be a hacker. Be a great thinker

ok kid.

1.- Make a simple website (html)

2.- Use some server side programming (PHP) and learn about HTTP calls

3.- Learn about protocols: HTTP, FTP, UDP..

Press Alt+F4 and all your hacking desires will come true. Once that happens, stay there, thanks:)


Don't be mad, Hacktavist