> "You require permission from Administrators to make changes to this folder" however, I AM the administrator...

"You require permission from Administrators to make changes to this folder" however, I AM the administrator...

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Folders can be protected against ordinary use by administrators, and that's a generic message, I'm sure.

Right-click on the folder in the file explorer, select "Properties" and use the "Advanced" button on the Security tab. Use the Owner tab to change ownership. Check the option to change all files and subfolders too. That should get you access enough to remove any "Deny" permissions on the "Permissions" tab. (After an ownership change, you may have to close the Security and Properties windows and re-open them.)

FIRST downlodd the free scanner from http://malwarbytes.org and do a scam, it has infected your machine. NEVER just try to remove the folders, it can make them replicate infected files all over the machine. Then make sure you uninstall any remaining programs before deleting folders or you can leave the machine unstable. Also it is a good idea to run the clleanr registry tool to remove left over registry entries before restarting the machine and trying to delete.