> Who hires programmers?

Who hires programmers?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Who hires them? Is programming a good paying job?

Many companies hire programmers. Not only tech companies like Microsoft, but any company with an IT department. Companies that don't have an IT department may outsource computer support to another company or use a consulting firm.

Universities and government agencies also hire programmers as well as other technical personnel

Computer programmers are the professionals who write the programs for the computer.Usually big companies or technology compinies hires a programmer.

Mostly company hire programmer for software development .

Look at want ads. Most large companies hire programmers. There are also contracting companies that hire programmers and then smaller companies get the programmers through the contracting companies.

Salaries depend on location and other things.

The job I had for 20 years was in the engineering division of a natural gas pipeline company.

gaming firms, expermental software, russians and it depends on what you mean by good paying its really a lucrative job it all depends on the employers if they pay you buckets load or just pay you minimum wage so if its a passion go for it if you dont want to follow it and just in for the money well its your choice.

Who hires them? Is programming a good paying job?