> Can I Become a Successful Video Game Designer/Programmer Even Though I'm Bad at Math?

Can I Become a Successful Video Game Designer/Programmer Even Though I'm Bad at Math?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Here's a thought. Why don't you just learn the math?

If you can learn to program, you can learn math.

You are probably not good at it because you never bothered to try.

Most people ignore math because they don't see the use for it.

Well, now you have a real use for math, and it is something you are interested in.

That is the best kind of motivation.

Find some good online courses (there are dozens, some from major universities) that are free.

Start at the beginning with Algebra 1, and go through the course step by step, chapter by chapter, and do all the exercises. Don't move forward until you properly understand the material.

Learn Algebra, learn Trigonometry, learn Geometry. When you have those down, learn Calculus and Linear Algebra ( necessary for 3d graphics).

When you learn a new concept or a formula, turn it into a small program. That is the best way to reinforce what you have learned and prove that you really understand it. You will also learn how to implement math into your programming skills. A half hour or hour a day is all you need to do.

Yes. U can be a great designer/programwe without math. The problem is... U will have a hard time getting through colege cause of the math requirements..

(I have the same problem with math)

I'm a high school student and video games have been sorta like a nanny to me. I mean that as in, they've raised me, and I am in love with them. I want to get a job in the gaming industry and become a programmer and perhaps later a writer/designer for video games. I'm just starting to learn the basics of programming, but that's besides the point. I've heard a lot of math is involved in programming and the thing is I'm terrible at math! For the life of me I can't do math! I'm willing to try and do my best if that's what it takes, but can I still become a programmer even if I'm bad at math?