> MySQL query statement help?

MySQL query statement help?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
1.Select DISTINCT awardsWon From Movie WHERE discountPrice = 9.99;

The question is "WITH" so it should be EQUAL.

2. Correct.

3. Correct.

4. Correct

5. Correct

6. Select awardsWon, MAX(discountPrice) From Movie WHERE year > '1979' GROUP BY awardsWon HAVING MAX(discountPrice) >= 9.99

After 1979, so it should be GREATER THAN

7. Search about INNER JOIN Syntax. ^_^

8. Search about INNER JOIN Syntax. ^_^

9. Search about INNER JOIN Syntax. ^_^


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Hello All,

I am having some problems with MySQL complex query statements. I was hoping the community could help me out with these 15.

1.Find the distinct awards won by movies with discount prices of $9.99

2.Find the actorID, lastName, firstName, middleName, suffix, and birthdate of rows in the Actor table where the gender is F. Order the results by the actor’s date of birth.

3.Find the movieID, title, year, DVDPrice, and half of the DVDPrice (the price for a half-off sale) of movies that have a DVDPrice greater than or equal to $20.00.

4.Find the sum of the discount prices of movies made after 1979.

5.Find the awards won and the average discount price of movies made before 1980, grouped by awards won.

6.Find the awards won and the maximum discount price of movies made after 1979, grouped by awards won, having a maximum discount price greater than $9.99

7.Find all columns of the join between the Movie and Role tables where the value of movieID is the same in both.

8.Find all columns of the join between the Quote and RoleQuote tables where the value of quoteID is the same in both.

9.Find the movieID, title, and year, and the roleID and roleName in the join between the Movie and Role tables where the value of movieID is the same in both.