> C++ Modify Content from Array?

C++ Modify Content from Array?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
How do you create a Program that allows user to insert content or delete content from a user input set of numbers (array)?

The picture below is a sample output.

Each time you want to insert something you have to make a new array and replace it with old one and same when you want to delete it. You have to use new keyword. When you want to insert something first make a new array keep the content of the old array and replace the content while adding a new number.

You can do the first prompt with

cout << "Enter number of elements in an array: ";

The other prompts would be done is a similar manner. Just change the text of the prompts to correspond the sample output.

Then use stepwise refinement to complete the rest of YOUR assignment.

How do you create a Program that allows user to insert content or delete content from a user input set of numbers (array)?

The picture below is a sample output.