> Cannot open cmd.exe (Command Prompt)?

Cannot open cmd.exe (Command Prompt)?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Well, click “run” and type “cmd”, then click enter. The command prompt will run. You can also go to a particular folder and right click while the shift key is pressed. You will see an option saying “open command prompt window here”. You can select it and cmd window will get opened. I hope this is helpful. If you can specify window configuration, then I can tell you more.

On your Start menu click "All Programs" and then scroll down to click on "Accessories". Now scroll down and click on "Run" and a window will open. Type "msconfig" and click "OK" and then another window will open. Click on the "Tools" tab and scroll down to click on "Command Prompt" and then click "Launch".

Ok. I goto start and type cmd.exe. I see cmd.exe so I click it. Nothing happens. I have even tried going to the direct folder cmd is in, and still, nothing happens. It used to always work but it has just suddenly stopped working. Running as administrator does nothing. Task manager says cmd is not running. Please help