> Convert the code into UDF? HELP!!!?

Convert the code into UDF? HELP!!!?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
hello guys, i just got an assignment from my professor and he said to convert THIS code into UDF (User Defined Function)

the main problem is i have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what does he mean by that

i wanted to put the code here but somehow i can't post the image i'll just put some code here :

int main() {

/*assignment #2 - deadline on Tuesday, Oct 7

convert this code to full UDF

- array initialization

- array user input

- array display output

- getting the largest value (sorting) - getting the summation value

- getting the product of all odd input values from the array

- getting the average


//declare a constant value

const int ARRAY_SIZE = 10;

//declare a counter value

int counter = 0;

i think this is clear enough, please help me!

i'm still a freshman and i don't know what to do!