> HTML Links?

HTML Links?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
Is it possible to link to a certain section on a page? So that it links to a page and afterwards scrolls down to the wanted section.

Thank you very much! :)

All the best,


Hi, thank you for the answer.

The thing is that when clicking the menu, its just supposed to load the page from the top.

But if you click specific link, it should navigate to the page, but afterwards scroll to the section

that depends. if the page has a button or link that automatically takes you to that section when you click it, then yes. click on the link/ button, and then copy the url. It should have a # followed by some text. if it doesn't, then it's not going to automatically scroll to that section

Sohel said, "you have to use this jave code in the ", which is incorrect.

Construct the link as Jump Down

Construct the target as Jump to Here

or for HTML5, Jump to Here

To open another web page and scroll to a point on that page, the link is similar?―

Jump Down on Next Page

you have to use this jave code in the