> Does anyone have a hacking software?

Does anyone have a hacking software?

Posted at: 2014-12-18 
I just want to hack into this one kids Twitter account, if someone would be willing to help me out that would be great!

1. If you're asking this then you wouldn't know how to install the software

2. If you don't already know WHERE to get the software, you have NO clue how to use it

3. If you want to do such juvenile things with it you'll only end up in prison

4. EVEN IF I gave you the software, or told you where to get it it would then take you a few years to even comprehend the way it works before you can even start learning how to use it

5. you don't hack an individual account, you hack a computer and gather data that will give you the required information to gain access to the target's accounts

6. Go back to class like a good little kid and try to do better in english, your grammar is horrendous!

If we did, why would we give it to you?

That would be like giving a toddler a pistol. You're more likely to blow your own head off, and that wouldn't be very responsible of us, now would it?

I just want to hack into this one kids Twitter account, if someone would be willing to help me out that would be great!